The comparing part is put ahead which is between “跟……相比”.
跟妈妈相比,我的厨艺差多了。(Gēn māma xiāng bǐ, wǒ de chú yì chà duōle.) Compared with my mother, my cooking skills are much worse.
>> My cooking is much worse than my mom.
跟上次考试相比,这次考试没有那么难。(Gēn shàng cì kǎoshì xiāng bǐ, zhè cì kǎoshì méiyǒu nàme nán.) Compared with the last exam, this exam is not that difficult.
>> This exam is not as hard as the last one.
对我来说,跟汉语的发音相比,汉字和语法知识更难。(Duì wǒ lái shuō, gēn hànyǔ de fǎ yīn xiāng bǐ, hànzì hé yǔfǎ zhīshi gèng nán.) For me, knowledge of Chinese characters and grammar is more difficult than the pronunciation of Chinese.
>> Chinese characters and grammar are harder than pronunciation.
哥哥大我三岁。(Gēge dà wǒ sān suì.) My brother is three years older than me.
你又迟到了,我早你半个小时。(Nǐ yòu chídàole, wǒ zǎo nǐ bàn gè xiǎoshí.) You are late again, I am half an hour earlier than you.
这个月我多他三千块钱。(Zhège yuè wǒ duō tā sānqiān kuài qián.) This month I have more than 3,000 yuan compared to him.
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