“吗” is used at the end of a declarative sentence to form a yes-no question.
Declarative sentence + 吗?
Note that “吗” can’t be used with a special sentence, affirmative-negative sentence, or selective sentence.
A: 你是中国人吗?(Nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén ma?) Are you Chinese?
B: 是,我是中国人。(Shì, wǒ shì Zhōngguó rén.) Yes, I am Chinese.
C: 不是,我不是中国人。(Búshì, wǒ búshì Zhōngguó rén.) No, I am not Chinese.
A: 现在你在北京吗?(Xiànzài nǐ zài Běijīng ma?) Are you in Beijing now?
B:我在北京。(Wǒ zài Běijīng.) I’m in Beijing.
C:我不在北京。(Wǒ búzài Běijīng.) I am not in Beijing.
A:今天天气冷吗?(Jīntiān tiānqì lěng ma?) Is it cold today?
B:冷。(Lěng.) Cold.
C:不冷。(Bù lěng.) Not cold.
A:你们会写汉字吗?(Nǐmen huì xiě hànzì ma?) Can you write Chinese characters?
B:会写。(Huì xiě.) Yes, we can.
C:不会写。(Bú huì xiě.) No, we can’t.
A:昨天你去学校了吗?(Zuótiān nǐ qù xuéxiào le ma?) Did you go to school yesterday?
B:去了。(Qù le.) Yes, I went.
C:没去。(Méi qù.) No, I didn’t go.
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2 Responses
This is very useful. Now I can say more questions correctly! :D
Was very useful, now i can fix most of my mistake and solve it.