In Chinese, a sentence with “被” can express the passive voice.
Subject + 被/叫/让 + Object + Verb + Other Elements
In this structure, the subject is the patient of the action, and the object is the agent.
我的面包被狗吃了。(Wǒ de miànbāo bèi gǒu chīle.) My bread was eaten by a dog.
手机被谁拿走了?(Shǒujī bèi shéi ná zǒule?) The phone was taken by whom?
我喜欢的那台电脑叫别人买走了。(Wǒ xǐhuān de nà tái diànnǎo jiào biérén mǎi zǒule.) The computer I like was bought by someone else.
雨伞叫弟弟借去了。(Yǔsǎn jiào dìdi jiè qùle.) The umbrella was borrowed by younger brother.
蛋糕让同学们吃完了。(Dàngāo ràng tóngxuémen chī wánle.) The cake was finished by the students.
衣服让小猫弄脏了。(Yīfu ràng xiǎomāo nòng zāng le.) The clothes were soiled by the kitten.
The object following “被” can be left out, while the object after “叫” or “让” cannot.
The hat was blown away by (wind).
帽子被(风)吹跑了。(Màozi bèi (fēng) chuī pǎole.)
✘ 帽子叫吹跑了。(Màozi jiào chuī pǎole.)
帽子叫风吹跑了。(Màozi jiào fēng chuī pǎole.)
✘ 帽子让吹跑了。(Màozi ràng chuī pǎole.)
帽子让风吹跑了。(Màozi ràng fēng chuī pǎole.)
If there are negative adverbs or modal verbs, they should precede “被”.
问题没被解决。(Wèntí méi bèi jiějué.) The problem was not solved.
病人还没被送到医院。(Bìngrén hái méi bèi sòng dào yīyuàn.) The patient has not been sent to the hospital yet.
明天孩子会被送去奶奶家。(Míngtiān háizi huì bèi sòng qù nǎinai jiā.) Tomorrow the child will be sent to grandma’s house.
这个学生经常被老师表扬。(Zhège xuéshēng jīngcháng bèi lǎoshī biǎoyáng.) This student is often praised by the teacher.
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