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The Question Form:
Subject + 是 + Object
The Question Form:
Subject + 是不是 + Object
The Negative Form:
Subject + 不是 + Object
The verb “是” functions as a predicate, which indicates equivalence or the category. In this case, the subject and the object both are nouns or noun phrases.
A: 他是谁?(Tā shì shéi?) Who is he?
B: 他是我的哥哥。(Tā shì wǒ dí gēge.) He is my older brother.
A: 他的后面是什么?(Tā de hòumiàn shì shénme?) What’s behind him?
B: 那是他的狗。(Nà shì tā de gǒu.) That’s his dog.
A:这是不是你的汉语书?(Zhè shìbúshì nǐ de hànyǔ shū?) Is this your Chinese book?
B:这不是我的汉语书,这是老师的汉语书。(Zhè búshì wǒ de hànyǔ shū, zhè shì lǎoshī de hànyǔ shū.) This is not my Chinese book, this is the teacher’s Chinese book.
A:你的生日是不是明天?(Nǐ de shēngrì shìbúshì míngtiān?) Is your birthday tomorrow?
B:我的生日不是明天,我的生日是昨天。(Wǒ de shēngrì búshì míngtiān, wǒ de shēngrì shì zuótiān.) My birthday is not tomorrow, my birthday is yesterday.
The verb “是” functions as a predicate, which indicates an explanation or characteristics.
我的衣服是白的,鞋子是黑的。(Wǒ de yīfu shì bái de, xiézi shì hēi de.) My clothes are white, and my shoes are black.
这个新闻是假的。(Zhège xīnwén shì jiǎ de.) This news is fake.
A:这杯咖啡是不是热的?(Zhè bēi kāfēi shìbúshì rè de?) Is this cup of coffee hot?
B:这杯咖啡不是热的,那杯水是热的。(Zhè bēi kāfēi búshì rè de, nà bēi shuǐ shì rè de.) This cup of coffee is not hot, that cup of water is hot.
我们明天都有课,我是汉语课,她是英语课。(Wǒmen míngtiān dōu yǒu kè, wǒ shì hànyǔ kè, tā shì yīngyǔ kè.) We have classes tomorrow. I have Chinese class, and she has English class.
The verb “是” functions as a predicate, which indicates existence. And in this case, the subject is often a location word. The object must be the one and only.
学校前面是一家饭店。(Xuéxiào qiánmiàn shì yījiā fàndiàn.) There is a restaurant in front of the school.
图书馆左边是教学楼,右边是宿舍。(Túshū guǎn zuǒbiān shì jiàoxué lóu, yòubiān shì sùshè.) On the left of the library is the teaching building, and on the right is the dormitory.
书包里不是我的书。(Shūbāo lǐ búshì wǒ de shū.) It’s not my book in the schoolbag.
火车站南面是一个医院。(Huǒchē zhàn nánmiàn shì yīgè yīyuàn.) South of the train station is a hospital.
Note that the negative word of 是 sentences above can’t be “没”, but “不”.
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