Subject + 叫/令/使/让 + pronoun + verb phrase
This structure is used when expressing the subject makes or has the object do something or reach a certain status. The verb is usually causative verbs, such as 叫,令,使 and 让.
同事叫我早点下班。(Tóngshì jiào wǒ zǎodiǎn xiàbān.) My colleague told me to get off work early.
发生这种事,你叫我怎么相信他?(Fāshēng zhè zhǒng shì, nǐ jiào wǒ zěnme xiāngxìn tā?) How can you tell me to trust him when this happens?
这件事令他睡不着觉。(Zhè jiàn shì lìng tā shuì bùzháo jiào.) This incident made him unable to sleep.
他的电话令人担心。(Tā de diànhuà lìng rén dānxīn.) His call makes people worry.
他的行为使大家再也不会相信他了。(Tā de xíngwéi shǐ dàjiā zài yě bú huì xiāngxìn tāle.) His behavior made everyone never believe him again.
AI的发展使很多人都失去了工作。(AI de fāzhǎn shǐ hěnduō rén dōu shīqùle gōngzuò.) The development of AI has caused many people to lose their jobs.
老师的批评让我吃不下饭。(Lǎoshī de pīpíng ràng wǒ chī búxià fàn.) The teacher’s criticism made me unable to eat.
这部电影让大家都哭起来了。(Zhè bù diànyǐng ràng dàjiā dōu kū qǐláile.) This movie made everyone cry.
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