The cardinal numbers indicate the quantity.
yī |
èr |
sān |
sì |
wǔ |
liù |
qī |
bā |
jiǔ |
líng |
一 |
二 |
三 |
四 |
五 |
六 |
七 |
八 |
九 |
零 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
0 |
十 (shí) ten
十一 (shí yī) 11
二十 (èr shí) 20
三十一 (sān shí yī) 31
百 (bǎi) hundred
一百 (yī bǎi) 100
一百零二 (yībǎi líng èr) 102
一百二 (十) (yībǎi èr shí) 120
一百二十三 (yī bǎi èrshísān) 123
千 (qiān) thousand
一千 (yī qiān) 1000
一千零二 (yīqiān líng èr) 1002
一千零二十 (yīqiān líng èr shí) 1020
一千零二十三 (yīqiān líng èr shí sān) 1023
一千三(百)(yī qiān sān bǎi) 1300
一千三百四(十)(yī qiān sānbǎi sì shí) 1340
一千三百四十五 (yī qiān sānbǎi sìshíwǔ) 1345
万 (wàn) ten thousand
一万 (yī wàn) 10,000
一万零一 (yī wàn líng yī) 10,001
一万零二十 (yī wàn líng èrshí) 10,020
一万零二百 (yīwàn líng èrbǎi) 10,200
一万一(千) (yīwàn yīqiān) 11,000
一万一千三(百)(yīwàn yīqiān sānbǎi) 11,300
一万一千三百四(十)(yīwàn yīqiān sānbǎi sìshí) 11,340
一万一千三百四十五 (yīwàn yīqiān sānbǎi sìshíwǔ) 11,345
一万一千零二 (yīwàn yīqiān líng èr) 11,002
一万一千零二十三 (yīwàn yīqiān líng èr shí sān) 11,023
亿 (yì) hundred million
一亿两千三百四十五万六千七百八十九 (yīyì liǎngqiān sānbǎi sìshíwǔ wàn liùqiān qībǎi bāshíjiǔ) 123,456,789
四亿五千万 (sì yì wǔqiān wàn) 450,000,000
Note that when there are several 0 together in between, you just need to say it out once.
In the multi-digit numbers, use 二,, not 两for tens place and ones place, as 22(二十二). Before the百(hundred)’s place, either 两 or 二 can be used, as in 200(二百/两百). When used before the “千”(qiān, thousand)、“万”(wàn, ten thousand) or “亿”(yì, hundred million) places, “两” is much more frequently used.
The ordinal numbers indicate the sequence of a set of things, which show the rank or position.
第 + number
第一 (dì yī) the first
第三 (dì sān) third
第七 (dì qī) seventh
The ordinal numbers usually precede a measure word, but in certain cases, it could also precede a noun directly without the measure word and “第”.
二楼 (èr lóu) 2nd floor
三层 (sān céng) 3rd layer
13号楼 (13 hào lóu) Building 13
205房间 (205 fángjiān) Room 205
302路车 (302 lù chē) 302 Bus
Note that instead of “两”, “二” is used as an ordinal number, indicate the sequence.
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14 Responses
This is very helpful for me. Thanks Admin.
Can I say 二百两万三千 for 2203000?
Thank you so much for this course, it’s very instructive and helpful
In exercise 3, question 6, why isn’t there the measure word 个 before 人?
Because the measure word 个 before 人 could be omitted in most cases, especially in spoken Chinese.
because the question is asked to how many people entered the room based on the order not how many people entered
merci pour les leçons gratuit
I’m confused.(第)三层 is three layers or third layer?
第三层 = third layer
Thank you for the free lessons and detail explanation. It’s very useful.
That is very useful for me to improve my studying.
It’s is very useful Grammar point
Is there a way to mark which grammar points we’ve completed?
Hi Sabrina, this feature is not available so far, but will add to our wishlist. thanks.