HSK 1 Grammar test

1. The Chinese pronunciation of “27” is:
2. jiǔ shí sì” is:
3. The correct pronunciation of “今年是2021年。” is:
4. Look at the picture and answer the question.

—现在几点?(Xiànzài jǐ diǎn?)


5. Look at the picture and answer the question.

—今天几点上课?(Jīntiān jǐ diǎn shànɡkè?)


6. Look at the picture and answer the question.

— 今天是几月几号?(Jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?)


7. The correct expression below is:
8. Put “的” in an appropriate place:

能①借②一下你③笔④吗?” (Nénɡ ① jiè ② yí xià nǐ ③ bǐ ④ mɑ?)
9. The incorrect expression below is:
10. Fill out the dialogue with an appropriate sentence.

今天天气怎么样?(Jīntiān tiānqì zěnme yànɡ?)

11. Fill out the dialogue with an appropriate sentence.

—这是谁?(Zhè shì shuí?)

12. The correct expression below is:
13. Fill out the blank with an appropriate word.

你来自日本____?(Nǐ láizì rìběn________?)
14. Fill out the dialogue with an appropriate sentence.

- ____________________?

- 我喜欢喝牛奶。(Wǒ xǐhuɑn hē niúnǎi.)
15. Fill out the dialogue with an appropriate word.

- 我们去公园玩,______?(Wǒmen qù ɡōnɡyuán wán, ______?)

- 好啊。(Hǎo ā.)
16. Fill out the dialogue with an appropriate word.

- 你要_______?(Nǐ yào _______?)

- 我要苹果和香蕉。(Wǒ yào pínɡɡuǒ hé xiānɡjiāo.)
17. Fill out the dialogue with an appropriate word.

- 您好,请问超市在______?(Nín hǎo, qǐnɡ wèn chāoshì zài ______?)

- 超市在学校的左边。(Chāoshì zài xuéxiào de zuǒbiɑn.)
18. Fill out the dialogue with appropriate words.

男(nán):你要买_______?(Nǐ yào mǎi _______?)

女(nǚ):裙子和一些水果。(Qúnzi hé yì xiē shuǐɡuǒ.)


女(nǚ): 这条裙子________?(Zhè tiáo qúnzi ________?)

男(nán):不错。(Bú cuò.)

女(nǚ): 再来两斤香蕉,三斤苹果。(Zài lái liǎnɡ jīn xiānɡjiāo,sān jīn pínɡɡuǒ.)


……结账(jié zhànɡ)……

(pay up)

女(nǚ): 一共_______?(Yí ɡònɡ _______ ?)

售货员(Salesman, Shòu huò yuan):一共320块。(Yí ɡònɡ sān bǎi èr shí kuài.)
19. Fill out the blank with an appropriate word.

我们____来中国学习汉语的。(Wǒmen ____ lái Zhōnɡɡuó xuéxí hànyǔ de.)
20. The correct expression below is:
21. Put “没” in an appropriate place:


(Jīntiān ① tiānqì ② bù ③ hǎo,suóyǐ wǒmen ④ qù ɡōnɡyuán.)
22. Put “不” in an appropriate place:


(Wǒ de hànyǔ ① shuō de ② hǎo,tīnɡlì yě ③ yǒu wèntí,nǐ ④ nénɡ bānɡ wǒ mɑ?)
23. The correct expression below is:
24. The right way to pronounce “22222.2块” is:
25. Fill out the blank with an appropriate word.

我们班里有十_______个韩国留学生。(Wǒmen bān lǐ yǒu shí_______ ɡè Hánɡuó liú xuéshenɡ.)
26. Put “会” in an appropriate place.

我①在②学习汉语,我③说④汉语。(Wǒ ① zài ② xuéxí hànyǔ,wǒ ③ shuō ④ hànyǔ.)
27. Put “能” in an appropriate place.


(Jīnɡlǐ,① yīnwèi wǒ ② jīntiān bù ③ shūfu, ④ qǐnɡjià mɑ?)
28. Fill out the blank with an appropriate word.


(Bù hǎo yìsi,zhèɡe xiānɡzi hěn zhònɡ,nín ____ bānɡ wǒ yí xià mɑ?)
29. Look and compare.  (Multiple Response)

30. Choose according to the information below.  (Multiple Response)
昨天(zuótiān)今天( jīntiān)
25 ℃38℃
31. Put “把” in an appropriate place.


(Jīntiān ① hěn lěnɡ,nǐ ② nénɡ bù③ nénɡ ④ mén ɡuān yí xià ne?)
32. Put “了“ in an appropriate place.  (Multiple Response)


(Duì bù qǐ ① jīnɡlǐ ②,zuótiān wǒ qù ③ yīyuàn ④.)
33. The correct expression below is:
34. Which sentence is Serial Verbs Sentence below:
35. Make a sentence with the words below.

笔(bǐ)   汉字(hànzì)   我(wǒ)     写(xiě)    用(yònɡ)



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