Existential Sentences (2) – 存现句 (2)

Existential Sentence (2) – 存现句(2)


存现句 (Existential Sentence) isn’t limited to express the existence which can also be used to describe the appearance or the disappearance of someone or something somewhere.


1. When expressing the appearance:

Location word + Verb + (Complement of Direction or Result) + (了) + Numeral Phrase + Someone/Something

Verbs here are usually intransitive related with movement like “走” “来” “跑” “搬” “飞” “掉” “开” “起” etc.


班里来了几个新同学。(Bānli láile jǐ ɡè xīn tónɡxué.) There are several new arrivals in the class.

身上跑出了一身汗。(Shēnshanɡ pǎo chū le yì shēn hàn.) Being all sweaty from running.

不久树下出现了很多蚂蚁。(Bùjiǔ shùxià chūxiànle hěn duō mǎyǐ.) There were lots of ants under the tree in a short time.


2. When expressing the disappearance:

Location word + Verb + (Complement of Direction or Result) + (了) + Numeral Phrase + Someone/Something

When expressing the meaning of appearance or disappearance, the verbs like “死” “丢” “出现” “消失” “失去” and etc. are often used.


院子里搬走了两家人。(Yuànzili bān zǒu le liǎnɡ jiā rén.) There were two families moving away.

河里死了几条鱼。(Héli sǐle jǐ tiáo yú.) There were several fishes died in the river.

刚刚他眼前走过去一个运动员。(Gānɡɡānɡ tā yǎnqián zǒu ɡuòqù yí ɡè yùndònɡyuán.) There was an athlete passing in front of him just now.


Note that:

The Object usually is uncertain or impermanent in these two patterns. And the state or action is impermanent and transient.


✘ 楼上走下来李华。(Lóushanɡ zǒu xiàlái Lǐ Huá.) Li Hua went downstairs.

>> “李华” is people’s name which is a certain information.

√ 楼上走下来一个人。(Lóushanɡ zǒu xiàlái yí ɡè rén.) A person went downstairs.


✘ 前几天宿舍里搬进来这些大学生。(Qián jǐ tiān sùshè lǐ bān jìnlái zhèxiē dà xuéshenɡ.) These college students moved in the dormitory a few days ago.

>> “这些大学生” is a certain information.

√ 前几天宿舍里搬进来几个大学生。(Qián jǐ tiān sùshè lǐ bān jìnlái jǐ ɡè dà xuéshenɡ.) A few college students moved into the dormitory a few days ago.


✘ 这里丢了那只小狗。(Zhèli diūle nà zhī xiǎo ɡǒu.) That dog got lost here.

>> “那只小狗” is a certain information.

√ 这里丢了一只小狗。(Zhèli diūle yì zhī xiǎo ɡǒu.) A dog got lost here.

1. A cat jumping down the stairs.
→ ___ 。
2. A person coming up from downstairs.
→ ___ 。
3. A student moved out of room 301.
→ ___ 。
4. A magazine fell out of the schoolbag.
→ ___ 。
5. A few chairs moved into the classroom.
→ ___ 。


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