There are some verbs that could take two objects, direct object and indirect object. The direct object is usually the thing that the action happens to, and the indirect object is usually the recipient or target of the action.
Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
我给妹妹一本书。(Wǒ gěi mèimei yī běn shū.) I give my sister a book.
他送了妻子一个礼物。(Tā sòngle qīzi yīgè lǐwù.) He gave his wife a gift.
朋友借了我100块钱。(Péngyǒu jièle wǒ 100 kuài qián.) A friend lent me 100 yuan.
老师教了我一个语法。(Lǎoshī jiāole wǒ yīgè yǔfǎ.) The teacher taught me grammar.
Subject + Verb + 给 + Indirect Object + Direct Object
Subject + Verb + Direct Object + 给 + Indirect Object
I lent a book to my sister.
我借给妹妹一本书。(Wǒ jiè gěi mèimei yī běn shū.)
我借一本书给妹妹。(Wǒ jiè yī běn shū gěi mèimei.)
He gave a gift to his wife.
他送给妻子一个礼物。(Tā sòng gěi qīzi yīgè lǐwù.)
他送一个礼物给妻子。(Tā sòng yīgè lǐwù gěi qīzi.)
My friend lent me 100 yuan.
朋友借给我100块钱。(Péngyǒu jiè gěi wǒ 100 kuài qián.)
朋友借100块钱给我。(Péngyǒu jiè 100 kuài qián gěi wǒ.)
The teacher taught me a grammar.
老师教给我一个语法。(Lǎoshī jiào gěi wǒ yīgè yǔfǎ.)
老师教一个语法给我。(Lǎoshī jiào yīgè yǔfǎ gěi wǒ.)
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One Response
In the answer to question two you’ve put 她 as the direct object. Should be indirect.
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