Compound Sentence Patterns (5)

Compound Sentence Patterns (5)

Parallel Compound Sentences 并列复句

Parallel Compound Sentences indicate that there are several clauses narrating a few things or describing some situations of one thing. Note that there are no clear differences in the importance of these clauses.



“Occasionally…” “sometimes…sometimes…”

“时而” indicates “sometimes” “occasionally” in English and this pattern is often used to indicate one action or state alternates with another occasionally which is similar to “有时……有时……”. “时而” is more often used in written Chinese.

时而 + Action 1 / State 1,时而 + Action 2 / State 2


时而高兴,时而伤心。(Tā shí’ér ɡāoxìnɡ, shí’ér shānɡxīn.) He fluctuated between delight and sorrow.

这个声音时而高亢,时而低沉。(Zhèɡe shēnɡyīn shí’ér ɡāokànɡ, shí’ér dīchén.) Sometimes the sound is sonorous, sometimes it’s deep.

生活时而充满惊喜,时而充满惊吓。(Shēnɡhuó shí’ér chōnɡ mǎn jīnɡxǐ,shí’ér chōnɡ mǎn jīnɡxià.) Life sometimes overflows with pleasant surprise, sometimes with scare.



“Temporarily…” “sometimes…sometimes…”

“一时” indicates “for a short while” in English and this pattern is often used to indicate two states of one thing which is similar to the pattern “一会儿……一会儿……”. “一” can be omitted while in use and “一时” is more often used in written Chinese.

(一)时 + State 1,(一)时 + State 2


他喝多了,一时一时哭。(Tā hēduō le, yìshí xiào yìshí kū.) He’s drunk, laughing and crying by turns.

最近的天气热,你注意身体。(Zuìjìn de tiānqì shí lěnɡ shí rè, nǐ zhùyì shēntǐ.) The weather is now hot, now cold recently, so you look after your health.

这块手表一时好,一时坏,是不是要拿去修一下?(Zhè kuài shǒubiǎo yìshí hǎo,yìshí huài,shìbushì yào ná qù xiū yíxià?) The watch runs well at times but very badly at others. Does it need repairing?


Successive Compound Sentences 承接复句

Successive Compound Sentences provide a thing that has happened at first, and the second part occurs right after the preceding part.


“便” indicates the second action or state happened after the first one. It is almost the same with “就” in use but “便” is more applied in written Chinese. 

Action 1便 + Action 2


我一进办公室便闻到了奇怪的味道。(Wǒ yí jìn bànɡōnɡshì biàn wéndào le qíɡuàide wèidào.) The strange smelt invaded me while I entered the office.

孩子们一听到我的声音便快速把电视关了。(Háizimen yì tīnɡdào wǒ de shēnɡyīn biàn kuàisù bǎ diànshì ɡuān le.) Children turned off the TV rapidly while hearing my sound.

他们下班后便直接回家了。(Tāmen xià bān hòu biàn zhíjiē huíjiā le.) They went back home directly while off duty.


Progressive Compound Sentences 递进复句

In Progressive Compound Sentences, the second clause has a deeper and further meaning than the preceding one.


“Not only…, but rather…”

“不但不” or “不但没有” indicates the desired thing doesn’t reach. “反而” implies the outcome is unexpected or undesirable.

Subject + 不但不/不但没有 + Desirable thing,反而 + Unexpected Outcome


我帮了他,他不但不感谢我,反而说我多管闲事。(Wǒ bānɡ le tā, tā búdàn bù ɡǎnxiè wǒ, fǎn’ér shuō wǒ duō ɡuǎn xiánshì.) I helped him, but he not only didn’t show appreciation for my help, but rather he said I butted into his business.

吃了这种药,病不但没好,反而更严重了。(Chīle zhè zhǒnɡ yào, bìnɡ búdàn méi hǎo, fǎn’ér ɡènɡ yánzhònɡ le.) After taking this medicine, the illness not only doesn’t get better but rather got even worse.

喝了这种减肥茶,小华不但没瘦,反而更胖了。(Hē le zhè zhǒnɡ jiǎnféi chá, Xiǎo Huá búdàn méi shòu, fǎn’ér ɡènɡ pànɡ le.) After drinking this kind of beauty-slimming tea, Xiao Hua not only doesn’t get slimmer but rather gets even fatter.



“不是” indicates “not that” while “还” or “还是” leads to a further explanation.


这本书不是读完了就可以了,还是应该写一篇作文。(Zhè běn shū búshì dú wánle jiù kěyǐle, háishì yīnggāi xiě yì piān zuòwén.) It is not enough to read this book but to write an essay.

不是你说“对不起”就完了,要跟大家解释一下原因。(Búshì nǐ shuō “duìbùqǐ” jiù wánle, hái yào gēn dàjiā jiěshì yíxià yuányīn.) It’s not that you say “I’m sorry” and it’s over. You have to explain why.

这件事的处理不是这么说就行了,得这么做才行。(Zhè jiàn shì de chǔlǐ búshì zhème shuō jiùxíngle, hái děi zhème zuò cái xíng.) The handling of this matter is not enough to say that, it has to be done.



 “Even… let alone…”

“连……都/也……” is used to emphasize a certain extreme situation while “更” leads to a further extreme case besides the previous one. “别” “不用” “不要” etc. can be used with “更” together.  

连 + Subject 1 + 都 / 也 + Verb 1,(Subject 2 +) 更 + Verb 2


这么简单的问题,知道答案,别说小华了。(Zhème jiǎndān de wèntí, lián dōu zhīdào dá’àn, ɡènɡ bié shuō Xiǎo Huá le.)

>> 小华 surely knows the answer.


HSK 4级没通过,你就不要想HSK 5级了。(Nǐ lián HSK sì jí méi tōnɡɡuò, nǐ jiù ɡènɡ búyào xiǎnɡ HSK wǔ jí le.)

>> HSK 5 is harder than HSK 4.


这些天我一口饭没吃,不用说水了。(Zhè xiē tiān wǒ lián yì kǒu fàn dōu méi chī, ɡènɡ búyònɡ shuō shuǐ le.)

>> The speaker thinks drinking water is easier or more necessary than having a meal.


Selective Compound Sentences 选择复句

Selective Compound Sentences indicate that there is a trade-off between two possible situations or choices.



“要么” is used for offering a pair of choices. “要么……,要么……” is similar to the pattern “或者……,或者……”.

Subject + 要么 + Choice 1,要么 + Choice 2


这个房间要么你打扫,要么我打扫。(Zhèɡe fánɡjiān yàome nǐ dǎsǎo, yàome wǒ dǎsǎo.) Either you clean the room or I do it.

我们要么坐公共汽车,要么打的。(Wǒmen yàome zuò ɡōnɡɡònɡ qìchē, yàome dǎdi.) We either take the bus or take a taxi.

你们要么今天早上去买水果,要么明天再去。(Nǐmen yàome jīntiān zǎoshɑnɡ qù mǎi shuǐɡuǒ,yàome mínɡtiān zài qù.) You either go to buy the fruit this morning or buy it tomorrow.


Transitional Compound Sentences 转折复句

Transitional Compound Sentences show the second part conflicts with the first part in meaning and generally, the second part is the key information.


“Although…, but…”

“虽……,但/却/可/也……” is similar to the pattern “虽然……,但是……”. The part after “虽” is true and existed, there is an adverse reaction in the party led by “但” “却” “可” “也”. “也” is often used with “但” “却” and “可” together.

Subject + 虽 + True Thing,但/却/可/也 + Adverse Reaction


昨天买的西瓜不太甜,但也可以吃。(Zuótiān mǎide xīɡuā suī bú tài tián, dàn yě kěyǐ chī.) The watermelon bought yesterday isn’t so sweet, but we can still eat it.

这个工作看起来难,却也很好做。(Zhèɡe ɡōnɡzuò kànqǐlái suī nán, què yě hěn hǎo zuò.) Although the job looks difficult, it’s easy to do.

这个房子很好,太大了,我一个人住不划算。(Zhèɡe fánɡzi suī hěn hǎo, dàn tài dà le, wǒ yí ɡè rén zhù bù huásuàn.) The house is nice, but it’s too big that it’s not a good deal for me if I live here alone.

你们没经验,学习能力强,肯定能很好地完成这个任务。(Nǐmen suī méi jīnɡyàn,xuéxí nénɡlì qiánɡ, kěndìnɡ nénɡ hěn hǎo de wánchénɡ zhèɡe rènwù.) You don’t have experience, but you have strong ability of learning, so you definitely can finish this task well.


Hypothetical Compound Sentences 假设复句

The first clause provides a hypothesis or indicates something occurred and then the second clause comes up with a corresponding result.



“要不然” and “不然” mean “otherwise” here. It indicates an undesirable outcome will happen if the former condition doesn’t been reached.

Condition, 要不然/不然 + Undesirable Outcome


跑快点儿,不然车就要走了。(Pǎo kuài diǎn’r, bùrán chē jiùyào zǒu le.) Run faster, otherwise the bus will leave.

坐地铁吧,要不然开会会迟到。(Zuò dìtiě bɑ, yàobùrán kāi huì huì chídào.) Take the subway, otherwise we will be late for the meeting.

少吃点儿,要不然你会长胖的。(Shǎo chī diǎn’r, yàobùrán nǐ huì zhǎnɡ pànɡ de.) Eat less, otherwise you will put on weight.


Conditional Compound Sentences 条件复句

The first part provides a condition, and the second part indicates the possible result under the previous condition.


“as long as…”

“凡是” indicates all things or there is no exception in a certain scope. And “都” leads a certain result under the previous condition.

凡是 + Noun + 都 + Verb


凡是你说的,我相信。(Fánshì nǐ shuō de, wǒ dōu xiānɡxìn.)

凡是左边的衣服打七折。(Fánshì zuǒbiɑnde yīfu dōu dǎ qī zhé.)

凡是会唱歌的可以参加比赛。(Fánshì huì chànɡɡē de dōu kěyǐ cānjiā bǐsài.)


Concessive Compound Sentences 让步复句

It provides a hypothesis at first, and the second part indicates the result deducing from the preceding part.


“even if…”

“就算” or “就是” leads a hypothetical statement, then “也” introduces a corresponding result. “就算/就是……也……” is similar to the pattern “即使……也……”.

就算 / 就是 + Hypothesis,Subject + 也 + Result


就算明天放假,我要去学校。(Jiùsuàn mínɡtiān fànɡ jià, wǒ yào qù xuéxiào.)

就算感冒了,他们要去工作。(Jiùsuàn ɡǎnmào le, tāmen yào qù ɡōnɡzuò.)

就是爸爸同意你去留学,妈妈不会同意的。(Jiùshì bàbɑ tónɡyì nǐ qù liú xué, māmɑ bú huì tónɡyì de.)


Compressed complex sentences

A compressed complex sentence indicates several clauses compressed together without any stop formally which looks like a single sentence but the logic and relationship in it is still the same as that in a complex sentence.


“If not… not…”

“不……不……” is similar to “如果不……,就不……”. The first part is a hypothesis while the second part is a corresponding result.

(Subject) + 不 + Verb 1 + 不 + Verb 2


知道,原来《余生请多指教》这么好看!(kàn zhīdào, yuánlái Yú shēnɡ, qǐnɡ duō zhǐjiào zhème hǎo kàn!) If we don’t watch it, we won’t know how fantastic the drama The Oath of Love is!

大家加油,我们成功休息!(Dàjiā jiā yóu, women chénɡɡōnɡ xiūxi!) Let’s fight, if it isn’t successful, we won’t rest.

加班有加班费吗? 给钱加班。(Jiā bān yǒu jiā bān fèi mɑ? ɡěi qián jiā bān.) Do we have extra pay? If not, we won’t work overtime.


Multiple complex sentences

Multiple complex sentences indicate there are more than two clauses in the sentence, and the relationships among them are more complicated.

Compound Sentence 1 + Compound Sentence 2 + ……


打开门走了进去,发现教室里一个人也没有,所以他只好回家了。(Tā dǎkāi mén jiù zǒu le jìnqù, què fāxiàn jiàoshìlǐ yí ɡè rén yě méiyǒu, suǒyǐ tā zhǐhǎo huí jiā le.) He opened the door and entered, but found there is no one in the classroom, so he went home.


因为我们是做商品的,所以如果我们的产品有问题,不要怕别人投诉,应该找出问题改进产品。(Yīnwèi women shì zuò shānɡpǐn de, suǒyǐ rúɡuǒ women de chǎnpǐn yǒu wèntí, jiù búyào pà biérén tóusù,ér yīnɡɡāi zhǎochū wèntí bìnɡ ɡǎijìn chánpǐn.)We are the person who makes products, so if there are problems with our products, we shouldn’t be afraid of complaints, on the contrary, we should find out the problems and then improve our products.

1. 太阳在云里, ___ 明, ___ 暗。(Tàiyáng zài yún lǐ, ___ míng, ___ àn.)
2. 爸爸太累了,回到家 ___ 在沙发上睡着了。(Bàba tàilèi le, huídàojiā ___ zài shāfāshàng shuìzháo le.)
3. 你写完作业 ___ 可以出去玩儿了。(Nǐ xiěwán zuòyè ___ kěyǐ chūqù wánr le.)
4. 人生的道路不是一帆风顺(everything is going smoothly)的,它 ___ 平坦(flat), ___ 坎坷(rough)。(Rénshēng de dàolù búshì yìfānfēngshùn de, tā ___ píngtǎn, ___ kǎnkě.)
5. ___ 明天下雨我 ___ 要去跑步。( ___ míngtiān xiàyǔ wǒ ___ yào qù pǎobù.)


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