打 is a measure word of dozens of things.
一打毛巾 (yī dá máojīn) a dozen of towels
一打鸡蛋 (yī dá jīdàn) a dozen of eggs
一打纸 (yī dá zhǐ) a dozen of papers
袋 is a measure word for things in bags, sacks, pockets or pouches.
我买了两袋米。(Wǒ mǎile liǎnɡ dài mǐ.) I bought two bags of rice.
给我一袋面粉。(Gěi wǒ yí dài miànfěn.)Give me one pouch of flour.
我想吃一袋方便面。(Wǒ xiǎng chī yí dài fāngbiànmiàn.) I want to have a bag of instant noodles.
根 is a measure word for long and slender-shaped objects.
一根棍子 (yī ɡēn ɡùnzi) a stick
一根烟 (yī ɡēn yān) a cigarette
一根头发 (yī ɡēn tóufɑ) a hair
一根香蕉 (yī ɡēn xiānɡjiāo) a banana
卷 is a measure word for rolls.
一卷卫生纸 (yī juǎn wèishēnɡ zhǐ) a roll of toilet paper
一卷胶带 (yī juǎn jiāodài) a roll of tape
一卷胶片 (yī juǎn jiāopiàn) a roll of film
棵 is a measure word for trees, cabbage, plants etc.
这里有两棵树。(Zhèlǐ yǒu liǎnɡ kē shù.) There are two trees.
他们刚买了两棵白菜。(Tāmen ɡānɡ mǎile liǎnɡ kē báicài.) They bought two cabbages just now.
田里好几棵幼苗都被拔走了。(Tiánlǐ hǎojǐ kē yòumiáo dōu bèi bá zǒu le.) There are several seedings taken away in the field.
批 is a measure word for batches of objects.
一批商品 (yī pī shānɡpǐn) a batch of merchandise
一批货 (yī pī huò) a batch of goods
一批人 (yī pī rén) a batch of people
一批游客 (yī pī yóukè) a batch of tourists
一批志愿者 (yī pī zhìyuànzhě) a batch of volunteers
碗 is a measure word for food or drink which is held by a bowl.
一碗米饭 (yī wǎn mǐfàn) a bowl of rice
一碗酒 (yī wǎn jiǔ) a bowl of alcohol
一碗汤 (yī wǎn tānɡ) a bowl of soup
一碗水 (yī wǎn shuǐ) a bowl of water
脸 is a measure word for things, expressions or wounds on the face.
一脸泥 (yī liǎn ní) a face of mud
一脸伤 (yī liǎn shānɡ) a face of wounds
一脸不高兴 (yī liǎn bù ɡāoxìnɡ) a unhappy face
手 is a measure word for things relating to skills with hands.
他写了一手好书法。(Tā xiěle yī shǒu hǎo shūfǎ.) He wrote a beautiful calligraphy.
那个人有一手好厨艺。(Nà ɡè rén yǒu yī shǒu hǎo chúyì.) That person is good at cooking.
屋(wū) / 屋子(wūzi)
屋 is a measure word for people or things in a house to stressing “lots of” which can also say in a way of “屋子”.
一屋(子)人 (yī wūzi rén) a house of people
一屋(子)东西 (yī wūzi dōnɡxi) a house of things
一屋(子)垃圾 (yī wūzi lājī) a house of trash
桌(zhuō) / 桌子(zhuōzi)
桌 is a measure word for meals or food which happening on tables.
一桌(子)西餐 (yī zhuōzi xīcān) a table of western food
一桌(子)好酒好菜 (yī zhuōzi hǎo jiǔ hǎo cài) a table of delicious food and drinks
一桌(子)宴席 (yī zhuōzi yànxí) a banquet
刀 is a measure word for times where the action is related to knives combining with verbs like “砍”(kǎn) “捅” (tǒng) etc. usually.
他刚才砍了我一刀。(Tā ɡānɡcái kǎnle wǒ yì dāo.) He cut me one time just now.
这个人被捅了几刀。(Zhèɡe rén bèi tǒnɡle jǐ dāo.) This person is stabbed several times.
针is a measure word for times where the action is related to the injection. It’s usually used with “打” together.
我只要打一针。(Wǒ zhǐ yào dǎ yī zhēn.) I only need to take one injection.
他上个星期打了两针。(Tā shànɡ ɡè xīnɡqī dǎle liǎnɡ zhēn.) He got two injections last week.
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