“Ba” Sentence(4)- “把”字句 (4)

“Ba” Sentence(4)- “把”字句 (4)


“把” sentence is used to express something that occurred to the object focusing on the result, influence, change, etc. of an action in which “把” as a preposition is used to bring the object of the main verb before the verb. 


Subject + 把 + Object + Verb + Other elements

This type of把sentence indicates causative meaning. Generally, the subject is the non-living things.


外面的声音我吵醒了。(Wàimian de shēngyīn bǎ wǒ chǎo xǐng le.) The sound outside woke me up.

>> the subject is “外面的声音”.


雨水晾着的衣服打湿了。(Yǔshuǐ bǎ liàngzhe de yīfú dǎ shī le.) The rain wet the clothes that were hanging out.

>> the subject is “雨水”.


这种药能病治好。(Zhè zhǒng yào néng bǎ bìng zhì hǎo.) This medicine can cure the disease.

>> the subject is “这种药”.


Note: the auxiliary words like “能”, “可以”, ”要” etc., and the negative words “没”, “不” or “别” as well as should be put before “把”.



Subject + 把 + Object + Verb + Other elements

Here it also indicates causative meaning. However, the object is the agent of the action.


我感动得流下了泪水。(Tā bǎ wǒ gǎndòng de liú xià le lèishuǐ.) He moved me to tears.

>> “我” is the agent of “感动”.

>> 他让我感动。


她吓得说不出话来。(Nǐ bǎ tā xià de shuō bù chū huà lai.) You scared her too much to speak.

>> “她” is the agent of “吓”.

>> 你让我吓得说不出话来。


哥哥总能妹妹气得大喊大叫。(Gēge zǒng néng bǎ mèimei qì de dà hǎn dà jiào.) The brother always makes his young sister yell with anger.

>> “妹妹” is the agent of “气”.

>> 哥哥让妹妹(生)气。


这个消息会爸爸乐得合不拢嘴的。(Zhège xiāoxi huì bǎ bàba lè de hé bu lǒng zuǐ de.) This news will make dad very happy.

>> “爸爸” is the agent of “乐”.

>> 这个消息让爸爸(快)乐。


Note: The auxiliary words like “会”, “能”, “要” etc. and the negative words “没”, “不”, “别” as well as should be put before “把”.

1. Today's news made my brother speechless with anger.
2. 这个 ___ 把我冻感冒了。(Zhègè ___ bǎ wǒ dòng gǎnmào le.)
3. The stone tripped him.
4. Washing these clothes makes me unable to stand up.


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